The New Normal

“Let’s value strategy again, and put it back in scope. Let’s lift our heads up and look longer term, and see the bigger picture, rather than getting lost in the minutiae. We need audience experts again who can quickly decode the new consumer mindset in a Covid-19 world. We need to pay more than lip service to creativity, lateral thinking and agility which are the very skillsets that will get us through this. And clients must take charge of their own strategic marketing direction again, or create the conditions for their agencies to provide that essential, and unbiased, business advice.”

Our founder, Ed Cox, is the first to contribute to ISBA’s ‘The New Normal’ series, with his call to arms to the industry. The Coronavirus and subsequent population lockdown and business turmoil has shone a light on the general unpreparedness of the marketing industry – Ed explores how we got here, and what we can do to ensure we’re better placed to face future ‘black swan events’.

Read the full article here.

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