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Tailoring creative to audiences for improved performance for Make-A-Wish

As a charity, Make-A-Wish needs to ensure that each campaign drives an efficient ROI, but their campaigns have previously involved generic sets of assets being served to completely different audiences, with little to no attention being made to the distinction between the creatives and audiences.


To improve performance and ultimately generate more donations, we recognised the need to tailor assets to audience segments to maximise the effectiveness of the campaign.  We conducted rigorous A/B testing on Meta, analysing various elements within creatives to pinpoint the most compelling combinations for each audience group.


Despite subtle differences in the creatives, we observed significant variations in cost-per-action (CPA), highlighting the importance of considering audience nuances in conjunction with creatives.


Ultimately, the testing structure demonstrated that audiences resonate differently to assets, and that assets should be created and tested with audience affiliation in mind. Moreover, this campaign highlights the importance of leveraging data-driven insights and strategic creativity to drive meaningful results.


The campaign delivered:

  • A 55% reduction in our CPA compared to previous campaigns
  • Up to a 77% reduction in CPAs between assets in A/B tests
  • 141% more donations than forecasted